June 2024 Meeting Minutes

DG Agenda – Second Quarter 2024 Meeting

  1. Call to Order – Called to order @ 4:07 PM, 6/23/2024
  2. Roll Call –
    1. Board Members – Taylor (Dropped approx 5:00), Adam, Vuke (dropped at 4:29) , Glenn, Lisa, John, Brian, Celton
    2. Non-Board Members – Alec, Emi, AJ, Rose, Jon
  3. Minutes Approval – Approved
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Some funds moved to a money market account, intent is to offset bank fees. Q3 should have a CC end-of-con report, Q4 should have a AF end-of-con report
  5. Old Business
    1. Code of Conduct
      1. Taylor will prepare a finalized version for Q3 vote
  6. New Business –
    1. Secretary – Lisa is Secretary, we decided that in Q1. Go us.
    2. The following people should be granted access to the US Bank bank accounts for Digital Grail:
      1. Treasurer from each convention
        1. Anime Fargo: Adam Helsene
        2. Core Con: Jon Odegaard
      2. Treasurer for Digital Grail
        1. Adam Helsene
      3. Digital Grail President
        1. Cassondra Felton-Tufty
      4. Troy Bloemker, Founding member
      5. All others should be removed from the account, the above list is the full list as of 6/23/2024
      6. Motion made to submit this list to US Bank for changes, no opposition, motion passed. 
    3. Accountant – We need an accountant to help with 990 and organizing transactions and accounts.
      1. Vuke found a local non-profit accounting firm that may have potential. Allied w/ND non-profit organization.
        1. https://www.bradymartz.com/industries/nonprofit/
      2. Adam will reach out to a few firms and request rates. 
      3. Glenn motioned to begin research and quotes. Lisa/Vuke seconds. Motion passes with all present. 
    4. CC incident review: Glenn led discussion about an incident and response at CoreCon with a particular individual.
      1. This individual made threats and caused multiple issues at con
      2. Lied about having a badge
      3. Requested to leave – hotel and police involved w/tresspass
      4. Made comments/threats against Glenn (CoreCon staff) and attendees.
      5. Persistent reports around this single individual. Seven incident reports over two days. 
      6. Recommending a DG ban. ⅔ of board members required as per DG ban process. Six members are present, Cassie, Taylor, Vuke are not present. 
      7. Glenn moved to ban Raven Thor Heglund:
        1. Motion approved as per Article 6, Section 9. Raven Thor Heglund is now banned as per DG ban process. Six members approved the ban, the board will process this as best we are able to as the individual may not have a permanent address.
    5. Bylaw cleanup:
      1. Lisa brought to the attention of the board some potential bylaw cleanup regarding staff/board members being banned or removed.
      2. Potentially add convention reporting details
      3. Potentially increasing meeting frequency to bimonthly (every two months), bylaws currently state *at least* once a quarter
      4. Subcommittee processes
      5. Lisa will draft updates and proposals
    6. Summer Picnic:
      1. DG-wide picnic, “volunteer picnic”, Aug 18/25  
      2. Sometime in August, possible in the park across from Scheel’s Arena
      3. Organizers: Jen was helping organize, Glenn/Jon assisting
      4. Picnic Subcommittee:
        1. Sponsor: Glenn
        2. Motion: Adam motioned, Celton seconded, Motion passed.
    7. Winter Gala:
      1. Winter party – end of year party and recognition ceremony
      2. Purpose is similar to the 2023 committee
      3. Subcommittee:
        1. Sponsor: Lisa
        2. Motion: Celton motioned to form, Adam seconded. No opposition, motion passed.  
    8. Fargo Pride 2024:
      1. Common DG tabling event during Fargo pride, including Pride in the Park and the pride parade
      2. Purpose is to create and staff tables during the Pride in the Park event to advertise and inform. And have fun. Also outside.
      3. Subcommittee:
        1. Sponsor: Glenn
        2. Motion by John, Celton seconded. No opposition, motioned passed.  
  7. Open Floor –
    1. Alec: Cross-convention departments, can discuss at Q3 meeting w/board.
    2. AF: Moving as expected towards our convention at the time it is.
    3. CoreCon: Taking a few months off – optional meetings over the summer. Next official in September. Olivia is leading the summer meetings.
    4. FGF: More info next meeting. 
    5. Storage unit: Cleaning, Jon/Katie doing some cleanup today. Keyholders are Jon/Cassie. There are a few initiatives for cleaning up some items.
  8. Adjournment – Adam moves to adjourn, Celton seconded, adjourned at 5:40 PM

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