Wiki Editing Guide
Revision as of 06:43, 13 October 2022 by (talk | contribs)
Form for Suggesting Edits
If you don't wish to edit the wiki directly use this form for suggesting edits:
Common formatting
Header format
- To make a header like the one above here then you should surround the text with 2 ='s signs.
- Example: "==This is a header=="
Sub Header Format
- Sub headers just add extra ='s on each side.
- Example: For a sub header to "Common Formatting" you'd just need to add a line below that and put "===Sub Header===".
List format
- To make items in a bulleted list like this one you use "* " before the text. To indent bullets you can just add more *'s
- Example: "* This is will be bulleted like the line above" or "** This will be bulleted like this line is"
- To make a numbered list you use "# ". And like the above you simply add more #'s to add intended lines.