Logistics Timeline
Revision as of 09:55, 13 October 2022 by Taylorvalnes@digitalgrail.org (talk | contribs)
***NOTE: These timelines are estimates, you may need to adjust for your specific convention date
Immediately after accepting the position
- Get access to your convention email.
- Read through the emails to get an idea of what sort of messages you should expect for the next year.
- Look at information on the convention website and notify webmaster@<convention email> of any changes or additions you would like.
7 months before convention
- Reserve a sign from Scott’s Signs to display for the month leading up to convention.
5 months before convention
- Request the convention off from work. It’s suggested you also take the Monday following the convention off as well.
- Work with convention to order sponsor's items.
4 months before convention
- Work with volunteers to determine what help you will need on the day before con and Sunday.
- Work with guest liaison to secure flights for guests.
- Work with convention heads to order guest & kids posters.
- Provide marketing with guest & kids posters for distribution.
- Work with registration and/or merchandising to order sponsor bags.
3 months before convention
- Get event liability insurance.
- Work with Registration to order badge sleeves, crayons, and program guide sleeves.
2 months before convention
- Work with merchandising and graphics to finalize and order merch
- Determine sizes and quantities of staff shirts
1 month before convention
- Reserve a U-Haul for the weekend.
- Work with convention heads to determine how many at-con t-shirts should be ordered then order them.
- Work with Registration and convention heads to order pre-reg and sponsor t-shirts.
- Work with staff and Treasurer at staff meeting to order staff shirts after they have been paid for.
Month of convention
- Validate Logistics SOP before the end of the first week. This will include information about how Ops/Reg/convention heads should handle different things that may arise related to your position.
- Get noise reduction dividers from Paradox, if needed.
- Label all items so volunteers know where to take them.
Responsibilities at convention
- Day before the convention– Pick up the U-Haul and transport items to the hotel. Coordinate placement of items in each room/department.
- Sunday – Ensure items get from the hotel to their storage area.
After convention
- Give noise reduction dividers to Paradox to use until next year.
- Take inventory of items and make notes of things that are low and will probably need to be replenished. Notify the departments of these things.
- Provide marketing with posters for distribution.
- Provide Twin Cities Liaison with posters for distribution, if applicable.