Anime Fargo Staff Resources
Staff Resources
Quick links
Each staff member, after onboarding, will have access to an email account of the form: This email account is where we'll send out staff-wide notices, meeting invitations, and can be used to access other resources that require a Google login.
How to Access and Use Department Emails
Google Drive
Google Drive is our document repository. We have a common shared drive named "AF (Anime Fargo)". Each department will also have a shared folder that you can be granted access to as needed for your departments.
Eventeny is our registration and application processing system. All of our congoer-facing transactions online should be handled through applications and tickets in Eventeny.
Some department heads and staff will have Eventeny access, if you think you need access, contact one of the convention leads ( Access is generally limited to those who need to work directly with applications or registration.
The Anime Fargo Discord server is our common chat area for staff and for attendees. There is a staff section that you need a role for. Please request this role from one of the server admins or conventions leads.
We typically use Discord for quick questions, discussion, and coordination of timely items.
Social Media
We primarily use Facebook to interface with attendees and get questions and comments from them. We also use Twitter to post announcements and to help share/boost our guests and convention friends.